An Arts Council England grant funded a one-week field recording trip in the Swedish nature reserves of Svartådalan with one-to-one mentoring with recordist/ecologist Stefan Taylor. I feel that this field trip was instrumental in me discovering my sonic voice. I also became much more aware of the different sounds and echoes of different habitats – pine forest, river banks, lakes – and the different quality of sound captured by different microphones and recording devices. I also learnt new field recording techniques, like drop-rigs (eg used for wild beaver recordings).
I created ‘Sculptural Murmurings – Swedish soundscape of hope’ (below) from my Svartådalan field recordings made in collaboration with my guide and recordist Stefan Taylor.
This soundscape travels across the nature reserves of Sweden, from dusk until dusk once more. It was used with dancers as the central audio input of the Sculptural Murmurings II workshop at Fabrica (September 2023). It is designed for delivery over headphones.